
Lesson 1 TCS Foods

-Time/temperature controlled for safety foods: milk and its products, meat, melons, green leafy vegetables.

-Cross contamination:

                Direct: when raw meat touches another food

                By drip: raw meat stored above ready-to-eat food drips blood onto food

                Indirectly: raw meat and ready-to-eat food are prepared with the same equipment

-Use color or coding system to reduce the risk of cross-contamination


Lesson 2 Purchase and Delivery

-2 potential safety hazards: contamination of food and multiplication of bacteria.

-Use reputable suppliers, governed by a food regulatory agency such as FDA and USDA

-Supplier cannot offer food prepared in a private residence

-Maintain proper temperature control:

                Raw eggs <45F

                Refrigerated food <41F (38F)

                Meat, poultry and seafood 28F

                Fresh fish 32F~41F (arrive alive and packed on ice)

                Frozen food <0F

                Reject food that show signs of thawing and refreezing or open containers

-TCS food should be stored quickly within 15 min of delivery

-Chilled food >41F or frozen food >0F must be rejected.


Lesson 3 Storage

-Stock rotation: be sure FIFO

-All TCS food and perishable(易腐敗的) foods should be checked daily

-The max shelf life for any TCS and ready-to-eat food is 7 days

-The major hazard w/ frozen food storage is the multiplication of dormant bacteria when >14F

-Freezer temp should be maintained at 0F.

-Do not refreeze food

-Most meat can be frozen up to 12 months; whereas pork, sausage, fatty fish, butter or soft cheese should only be stored up to 6 months.

-Defrost freezers on a regular basis

-Dry storage: temp between 50~70F. Stored at least 6 inches off the floor and away from walls


Lesson 4 Food Preparation

-Use disposable (一次性的) towel to wipe hands

-Submergence (浸泡) method: submerge the frozen food under clean cold water (<70F).

-Slacking and microwave method


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