
Lesson 1 Employee Health

Reporting symptoms: vomiting, diarrhea, jaundice(黃疸), sore throat with fever, wound/lesion

Reporting disease: Norovirus, Hepatitis A, Shigella spp(志賀氏桿菌)Shiga toxin (E coli大腸桿菌), and Salmonella typhi(沙門菌)

-Staphylococcus aureus(金黃色葡萄球菌)


Lesson 2 Washing Hands

-Washing hands: once is sufficient. However, use double wash (brush fingernails and fingertips under running water, using liquid soap on the nailbrush) if w/ a large number of pathogens on hands.

-Wash hands: wash for a total of 20 seconds. Water temperature >100F(38C).

-Gloves never be worn more than 4 hrs.


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