目前分類:料理字典 Culinary Dictionary (12)

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Bain marie (BAN marie) a hot water bath; away of cooking or warming food by placing a container in a larger recipient of very hot or simmering water隔水加熱的容器

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Cacao (KAH kah oh) by-product of the processing of cocoa beans. Available as a dark, bitter powder (poudre de cacao) or as a solid block (liqueur de cacao)可可

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Darne (darn) thick bone-in steak cut from whole round fish before cooking魚片

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Ébarber ( ay BAR bay)1. To remove the beards from shellfish. 2. To remove the filaments from poached or fried eggs去貝類的鬚鬚

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Farce (FARSS)a misture of various ground ingredients (meat, herbs, vegetables) used to fill poultry, fish, vegetables, etc肉餡

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Galantine (GALL on teen) 1. The old French term for jelly. 2. A soft knife holder that can be rolled up. 吉利丁

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Habiller (ah bee yay) to prepare an item for cooking (fish, meat usually by cleaning and trimming)對肉進行加工(如開膛、切塊去骨)

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Macédoine (mah say dawn) 1. A mixture of vegetables or fruit cut into small cubes, generally 4~5mm square. 2. A classic salad made of small cubes of carrot, turnip, and green beansm with peas, tossed in mayonnaise. Dimensions based on the size of the peas. 正方體(每邊4-5mm)

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Quadriller (KAH dree yay) 1. To mark squares or diamonds on meat with a hot grill. 2. To mark squares using knife烤的時候製造#字烤痕

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Tailler (tah YAY) to cut in a precise fashion精確的切

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