

Quadriller (KAH dree yay) 1. To mark squares or diamonds on meat with a hot grill. 2. To mark squares using knife烤的時候製造#字烤痕

Quatre-epices (KAT rah peess) a mixture of ground spices made up of pepper, cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves. Often used to flavor meat stuffings調味(胡椒+肉桂+肉豆蔻+丁香)

Quenelles (KUH nell) 1. Oval or egg shape made out of a mousse or other mixture using two spoons用湯匙將慕斯弄成雞蛋狀 2. Preparation made of panade mixed with finely minced meat or fish which is then poached and served in a sauce

Quiche (keesh) savory tart garnished with a rich custard base (e.g. quiche Lorraine: bacon and cheese custard tart)豬油火腿蛋糕

Rafraîchir (RAH fray sheer) to plunge a food into an ice bath after cooking in order to halt the cooking process and cool the food (for greens, to preserve the chlorophyll) Liquids are placed in a bowl over an ice bath and stirred把食物放進冰塊中降溫

Raidir (RED eer) to cook a meat or fish in hot fat just enough to stiffen the fibers but without coloring it. Used mostly for fish bones when making fumet用油煎煮(不上色)

Râper (RAH oay) to shred using a grating tool (e.g. cheese)(起司)

Rassir (RAH seer) to let bread sit out until stale to make breadcrumbs (see Chapelure)使麵包外層變硬

Rassis (RAH see) something that is no longer fresh不新鮮

Rectifier (REK teef yay) to correct the seasoning of a dish改正某盤的調味

Réduire (RED weer) to heat a liquid in or to reduce it in volume by boiling. As the liquid evaporates, the sauce becomes thicker以煮沸的方式減少水量

Relever (RUH luh vay) to reinforce flavor through the use of spices使味道更濃

Revenir (RUH vuh neer) to quickly color a food in hot fat or oil食物在油中快速上色

Rissoler (REE soh lay) to cook a food until well colored in hot fat or oil/烘黃

Rôtir (ro teer) to bake uncovered in an oven烹調方式之一,烤箱裡烤

Roux (roo) used for thickening sauces. A cooked mixture of equal weights of flour and butter that is used as a thickening agent.奶油麵糰


Saisir (SEZ eer) to sear, to quickly color over very high heat at the start of cooking燒烤


Salamandre (sah lah MON drh) a broiler; the upper heating element in an oven or a professional appliance used to brown foods用烤箱上方火烤


Saupoudrer (soh POO dray) to evenly distribute a topping (sugar, breadcrumbs) over the surface of a dish or dessert平均的灑鹽


Sauter (SOH tay) to sauté; to cook small pieces with coloring over high heat, stirring or tossing often in order to prevent sticking烹調方式之一,


Singer (SAN jay) to sprinkle with flour at the start of cooking in order to cook and eventually thicken the sauce灑麵粉


Siroper (see ROH pay) to add syrup to a pastry (see Imbiber)加糖漿


Suer (SOO ay) to gently cook vegetables in a little fat without coloring in order to bring out their flavor 慢火煮蔬菜


Suprême (soo PREM) 1. Segments cut out a citrus that has been peler a vif切柑橘. 2. Boneless chicken breast with the drumstick of the wing still attached去骨雞(保留雞翅小腿部分)


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