
Bain marie (BAN marie) a hot water bath; away of cooking or warming food by placing a container in a larger recipient of very hot or simmering water隔水加熱的容器

Barder (BAR day) to cover or wrap a piece of meat, poultry, or occasionally fish with a very thin piece or pork fat (barding fat) in order to protect it and keep it moist during cooking, in order to prevent it from drying out用薄片肥肉包(),使之保存水分

Barquette (bar Ket) small, long, oval pastry mold橢圓形、船型糕點模

Bâtonnet (BEH toh nay) cut into sticks. 5mm x 5mm x 5cm 切條狀

Bavarois (bah var WAH) cold dessert made from crème anglaise or fruit puree, set with gelatin and whipped cream用英式奶油或水果原漿做成的冷甜品;一種凍蛋糕

Béchamel (BEH shah mel) white sauce made from milk and white roux 母醬汁一,牛奶+白麵糰

Beurre (burr) product obtain by churning milk or cream. Types of butter:

                Beurre demi-sel (duh mee SEEL) lightly salted butter. Up to 5% salt半鹽

                Beurre deshydrate (dez EE drah tay) butter fat or butter-oil, 99.3% fat and 0.7% water脫水奶油

                Beurre fermier (FAIRM yay) farm fresh butter農場製

                Beurre laitier (LET yay) dairy-made butter乳制

                Beurre pasteurizé (PAST urr zay) factor produced and pasteurized滅菌

                Beurre salé (SAH lay) salted butter, up to 10% salt鹽漬

                Beurre sec (sek) dry butter, minimum water content (5~8%)乾的

Beurre blanc (burr BLON) a sauce made by whisking large amount of cold butter into a hot pan with a little lemon juice or reduction to create an emulsion. Served with poached or grilled fish把冷奶油放入熱鍋,加檸檬製成的乳膠醬汁

Beurre clarifié (burr CLAH reef yay) butter that has been gently heated until it melts and the pure butterfat can be extracted融化淨化後的奶油

Beurre composé (burr COM poh zay) butter that is mixed with one or more aromatic ingredients很多香料添加至成的奶油

Beurre en pommade (BUTT on poh mad) soften butter (not melted) 軟奶油(固狀)

Beurre manié (BURR man yay) butter mixed with an equal weight of flour. Used to thicken sauces 奶油麵糰

Beurre noisette (BURR nwah ZET) butter that is cooked to a light brown color and nutty flavor 榛子味/色的奶油

Beurrer (BURR ay) 1. To lightly coat a container with butter in order to prevent sticking. 2. To add butter to a sauce or dough塗上奶油

Biscuit (BEE skwee) 1. Type of small cake or cookie. 2. Specific type of sponge cake mostly used in making entremets小麵包、餅乾

Bisque (beesk) type of potage usually made from a shellfish based and traditionally thickened with rice蝦醬湯

Blanc (blon) mixture of water, flour, and lemon juice used to prevent vegetables such as artichokes, celery root, or salsify from discoloring during cooking +麵粉+檸檬汁合成後,防止蔬菜在煮時失去顏色

Blanchir (BLON sheer) 1. To place vegetables or meats in cold water and then bring to a boil in order to precook, soften, or remove an excess of flavor or remove impurities 川燙2. The process of incorporating sugar and eggs together until lightened in color 結合糖+蛋直到顏色變淺

Blondir (blon DEER) to cook in hot fat in order to lightly color變金黃色

Boucheé (Boo shay)a small round of puff pastry that can be filled with different savory mixtures. Served as an appetizer.像泡芙的一口酥(前菜)

Bouillir (BOO yeer) to bring a liquid to the boiling point沸騰

Bouquet garni (boo kay GAR nee) a mixture of herbs (thyme, bay leaf, celery stalk, and parsley steams) enclosed and tied in the green portion of a leek used to flavor dishes during cooking湯的基本辛香料(百里香,月桂葉,芹菜莖,巴西里)

Braiser (BRAY zay) to slowly cook a food in a covered and sometimes sealed dutch oven with vegetables and jus, in the ove悶煮

Brider (BREE day) to tie a bird into a compact shape to ensure even cooking and maintain its shape, using a trussing needle 用針線綁好家禽類

Brochette (BROH shett) 1. A skewer, a long piece of wood or metal onto which pieces of food are skewered before being grilled. 2. Food that has been cooked on skewers over a grill 一串;穿成串後烤成的肉

Broyer (BRWA yay) to finely crush or grind磨或搗

Brunoise (BROON wahz) vegetables cut into very small regular cubes, 2~4mm 的方塊


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