
Cacao (KAH kah oh) by-product of the processing of cocoa beans. Available as a dark, bitter powder (poudre de cacao) or as a solid block (liqueur de cacao)可可

Calvados (KAHL vah dos) an alcohol made from distilled cider exclusively in the Normandy region蘋果燒酒

Canapés (KAH na pay) 1. A small slice or piece of bread that is toasted in the oven or in butter. 2. Bread cut into bite-size shapes and topped with a number of varying garnishes. Can be served hot or cold at buffets or to accompany aperitifs一口大小的法國吐司,上面可放配料

Canneller (KAH nuh lay) a way of cutting small grooves in fruit or vegetables in order to give them a decorative edge when sliced一種刀法(在蔬菜外挖直條凹槽後切薄片)

Caraméliser (kah RAH meh lee zay) 1. To coat a mold with cooked sugar. 2. To cook sugar until caramelized焦糖化

Chantilly (SHON tee yee) whipped cream to which sugar and vanilla have been added放了糖跟香草的鮮奶油

Chapelure (SHAH puh loor) dried breadcrumbs; made from both the crust and center of dried bread. Used for breading or as a topping麵包粉

Chaud-froid (SHOW frwah) a dish that is prepared hot but served cold, covered with a specific sauce (1/3 veloute, 1/3 gelatin, and 1/3 cream)家禽類肉凍

Chemiser (SHEH mee zay) to line or coat the interior sides and/or bottom of a mold before adding a filling or to prevent the finished product from sticking to the mold在模具內塗上東西,防止沾黏

Chiffonnade (SHEE foh nad) leafy vegetables or herbs that have been rolled together and then sliced crosswise into thin strips葉子類的蔬菜捲起來後,切成細條

Chinois (SHEE nwah)china cap sieve; a conical strainer濾網

Chiqueter (SHEEK tay) to lightly score the cut edges of puff pastry to help ensure that it raises straight and evenly在甜點邊稍稍劃線修整邊邊

Ciseler (SEE zuh lay) 1. To shred; to finely slice leaves of green vegetables. 2. To finely chop or mice; a manner of finely cutting onions, shallots, and garlic 將蔬菜切成很細小

Citronner (SEE troh nay) 1. To rub certain foods with lemon to prevent them from discoloring. 2. To add lemon juice to a dish 1. 在食物上抹檸檬汁以保留食材顏色2. 加檸檬汁在盤中

Clarifier (KLAH reef yay) 1. To clear a cloudy liquid (straining, heating, and then gently simmering with egg white) 2. Process of separating the milk solids from butter 3. Separating the white and yolk of an egg淨化湯汁

Clouter (CLOO tay) to pierce an onion with a whole clove把丁香釘在洋蔥上

Coller (KOH lay) to thicken or set using gelatin用吉利丁使之變濃

Concasser (KON kah say) to break up coarsely with a knife or a pestle in a mortar將蔬菜大概切碎

Confit (KON fee) a long cooking method where the food is slowly cooked in animal fat or syrup until saturated 把食物放進動物油指或糖裡慢火煮直到飽和

Consommé (KON soh may) clear bouillon made from meat, fish, or vegetables, served hot or cold, usually clarified清燉肉湯

Corne (korn) plastic tool used for scrapping out recipients硬刮

Corser (KOO say) to intensify the flavor of a preparation 強化調味

Coucher (KOO shay) 1. To place a rolled-out piece of dough onto a baking sheet. 2. To spread a layer of cream or other garnish 3. To force a mixture from a piping bag onto a baking sheet 舖在烤盤上

Coulis (KOO lee) a smooth puree of fruits or vegetables, used as a sauce煮爛過濾後的蔬果汁

Couper (KOO pay) to separate food items into pieces using the sharp edge of a knife將食物切成小塊

Court-bouillon (koor boo YON) a cooking liquid composed of water, aromatic vegetables, and sometimes white wine or vinegar in which fish and shellfish are cooked or certain dishes using meat (燒魚/)的調味湯汁

Crème anglais (Krem on GLEZ) a sweet sauce made from eggs, sugar, and milk that is cooked to 85’C

Crème de riz (krem duh REE) a powder made from finely ground rice, used in pastry or to thicken sauces米制的奶油

Crème fouettée (KREM fway tay) cream that has been whisked in order to incorporate air打發的奶油

Crème fraîche (krem FRESH) 1. Cream that has been lightly soured to thicken it and develop its flavor. 2. French liquid cream法國奶油

Crème pâtissieré (krem pah tees YAIR) cream thickened with flour, cornstarch, or flan powder, used for making pastry糕點奶油

Crèmer (KREM ay) 1. To beat butter and sugar together until they lighten in color and texture. 2. To add cream加奶油

Croquette (kroh KET) a bite-sized mixture savory or sweet, that is fried in oil after being breaded.炸丸子

Croustade (kroos TAD) a case made from any type of dough, that is cooked and filled with a savory mixture just before serving脆皮餡餅

Croûte (kroot) 1. The browned outer covering of bread. 2. En croute: to cook a meat or fish wrapped in a crust線餅皮

Croûton (KRU toenh) a slice or piece of bread that is toasted with or without butter usually served with a dish in sauce, or as a bed to soak up any juices that might dilute the sauce小塊油炸麵包

Crudités (KROO dee tay) raw vegetables, sliced or cut and served with a vinaigrette or mayonnaise, as a first course生菜

Cuisson (KWEE son) 1. The action and manner of cooking a food. 2. The degree to which meat is cooked (rare, medium, etc)烹調方式


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