

Abaisser (AH bay say). To roll a dough out with the aid of a rolling pin to the desired thickness輾麵糰到指定的厚度

Abats (AH bah). Internal organs of butchered animals sold mainly by stores specializing in this called “triperies.” White offal: sweetbreads, feet, brains. Red offal: heart, lungs, liver腹部內的內臟

Abattis (AH bah tee). Feet, neck, heads, wingtips, liver, gizzard, and heart of poultry家禽的腳、頭胗、尖、頭

Abricoter (ah BREE coh tay). To cover a pastry with apricot glaze in order to give it a shiny appearance在糕點上抹杏仁糖汁讓表面亮亮的

Accommoder (ah COH moh day). To prepare and season a dish for cooking烹調、做()

Acidifier (ah SEE deef yay) to add lemon juice or vinegar to fruits, vegetables, and fish to prevent oxidation加檸檬或醋防止食材氧化

Affûter (AH foot ay) to refine the cutting edge of knife blade using a sharpening stone 用磨刀石磨刀

Aiguillette (AY gwee yet) 1. Long and narrow strip of meat cut from the breast of poultry (especially that of duck) and game birds. 2. A beef cut taken from the top of the thigh家禽胸部切長條或牛腿上方的肉

Aiguiser (AY ghee zay) to maintain the cutting edge of a knife through the use of steel steel把刀面弄直

Allumettes (AH loo met). 1. Atype of savory petits fours (long rectangles of puff pastry). Covered with cheese or filled with anchovy. 2. Very thin sticks of potatoes that are deep-fried. 馬鈴薯條1/8”x1/8”x2”

Angélique (ON jay leek) the green stalk of an aromatic plant, most often candied in sugar. Used for decoration in pastry making.綠色有香味的植物的莖,拿來裝飾糕點(當歸屬植物)

Anglaise (on GLEZ) 1. Mixture made up of whole egg, oil, water, salt, and pepper; used to help coat in flour and breadcrumbs. 2. To cook in boiling water (potatoes, vegetables, rice, pasta) 用滾水煮

Aplatir (AH plah teer) flattening a piece of meat or fish in order to make it more tender and facilitate cooking or stuffing 壓平肉或魚(使之變嫩、幫助煮或填內餡)

Appareil (AH pah ray) mixture of the principal elements of a final recipe (usually egg based)

Aromate (AH roh mat) a condiment or vegetable that has a characteristic smell or taste有獨特的味道的香料或植物

Arroser (AH roh zay) the wetting of meat or fish with a liquid or fat during or after cooking 澆、灑水或油弄濕肉

Aspic (ASS peek) 1. Dish composed of meat, vegetables, and or fish, cooked, chilled, and then molded in gelatin. 2. A savory jelly made from clarified stock, used for molding terrines and glazing cold preparations. ...變凍狀;肉凍

Assaisonner (ah SAY zoh nay) seasoning a preparation with certain ingredients that bring out the flavor of the food加佐料提味

Attendrir (AH ton dreer) to pound a piece of meat in order to tenderize it 搗肉使之變嫩

Au jus (oh JOO) preparation served with its natural cooking juices 上桌時使用食材本身的汁


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