Chef’s knife (couteau chef) -Length from 6-12 inches -Standard size = 10 inches 標準廚師刀,介於15~30.5公分長,通常為25公分左右 |
Slicing knife (couteau emincer) -Cutting thin slice -Carving large roasts 切片刀,雕刻大型的東西 |
Paring knife (couteau d’office) -Peel, trim, and carve -Deboning small poultry and pieces of meat or fish 削皮的刀 |
Serrated knife (Couteau a scie) -Cut delicate items 鋸齒刀 |
Sole fillet knife (couteau filet de sole) -Useful for filleting round and flat fish -Long, thin, flexible blade 魚刀,有彈性 |
Deboning knife (couteau desosseur) –Use to get in between the joints of meats and poultry 使骨肉分離的刀 |
Butcher knife (couteau a batte) -Cut through bones 剁刀 |
Steel (fusil) -To maintain the cutting edge on knife 矯正刀面的工具 |
Roasting fork (fourchette) -Manipulate hot or delicate items 烤肉叉 |
Trussing needle (aiguilles a brider) -Use for trussing 綁肉的針 |
Vegetable peeler (econome) -Peeling vegetables 水果削皮刀 |
Scissors (ciseaux) -Heavy-duty scissors 廚房專用剪刀 |
Channeler (canneleur) -Create decorative furrows in fruits and vegetables 開溝器 |
Rubber spatula (maryse) -Scrape bowls and pans clean -Made from silicone, can be used for cooking 橡膠鏟 |
Pastry brush (pinceau) -Coating the interior of recipients with fat, brushing away excess flour or brushing clarified butter on a finished roast 刷子 |
Dough scraper (corne) -Scraping particles from work surface, cutting, pr portioning dough, or scraping out bowls or pans 刮削器 |
Wooden spatula (spatula en bois) -Stirring hot food 木鏟 |
Knife kit (trousse de couteaux) -Soft knife roll or hard case allows chef easily transport knives and tools 刀的套子 |