Farce (FARSS)a misture of various ground ingredients (meat, herbs, vegetables) used to fill poultry, fish, vegetables, etc肉餡
Farcir (FAR seer) to fill poultry, fish, meat, fruit, or vegetables with a forcemeat stuffing塞肉餡
Fariner (FAH ree nay) to dredge; to sprinkle flour on fish or meat; to sprinkle a mold and tap out the excess撒上麵粉
Ficeler (FEESS lay) to tie with string, without a trussing needle用繩子綁
Fines herbs (feen ZAIRB) a mixture of parsley, chives, tarragon, and thyme. A classic seasoning經典調味(巴西里+細香蔥+龍蒿+百里香)
Flamber (flon BAY) 1. To use a flame in order to remove the down from poultry. 2. To burn off alcohol by lighting it in a preparation燒掉酒精(像鐵板燒師傅點火燒酒精)
Fleurons (FLUH ron) pieces of puff pastry cut into crescent shapes, served as a classic decoration with fish dishes新月形狀的泡芙點心
Foncer (FON say) to line the bottom and sides of a mold or pan with dough用麵糰墊底
Fond (fon) stock 高湯
Fondant (FON don) a sugar preparation used for glazing pastries, and used in candy making
Fondre (FON druh) to turn a solid into liquid by heating融化
Fontaine (FON ten) to form a deep impression in flour in order to add other ingredients for making dough在麵糰上弄凹槽(為了在裡面放東西)
Fraiser (FRAY zay) to crush dough with the heel of the palm in order to ensure a smooth texture and even mixing揉麵糰
Fraser (FRAH zay) see Fraiser同Fraiser
Frémir (FREH meer) to bring a liquid just to the boiling point, the bubbles being barely perceptible水在煮沸前微微滾動
Frire (freer) to cook foods by plunging in a recipient hot oil在油中煎
Friture (free TOOR) deep-fried foods油炸
Fumet (FOO may) 1. Cooking aromas. 2. Sauce made from cooking juices. 3. Basic stock made from fish魚原汁
Fusil (FOO zee) sharpening steel; rounded metal or ceramic rod used to maintain the cutting edge of a knife維持刀面筆直的工具