

Ébarber ( ay BAR bay)1. To remove the beards from shellfish. 2. To remove the filaments from poached or fried eggs去貝類的鬚鬚

Ébouillanter (ay BOO yon tay) to dip fruit, vegetable, or fish in boiling water for a few seconds用沸水燙幾秒

Ébullution (AY boo leess yon) the appearance of bubbles in a hot liquid (98~100’C) 滾水的泡泡

Écailler (AY kah yay) to remove the scales from fish 去鱗片

Écaler (AY kah lay) to remove the shell from soft- and hard-boiled eggs 去水煮蛋殼

Écumer (AY koo may) to remove the foam from the surface of a boiling liquid撇去泡沫

Éffiler (AY fee lay) to slice very thinly (almonds)切薄片(堅果)

Égoutter (AY goo tay) to remove the liquid from a cooked preparation by pouring it into a strainer一滴滴流出

Émietter (aym YAY tay) to break into small pieces弄成碎屑

Émincer (AY man say) to cut into thin slices切薄片

Émonder or monder (AY mon day) to remove the skin of certain fruits or vegetables (peaches, tomatoes) by plunging into boiling water, cooling them in an ice bath and pulling the loosened skin off放入滾水後拿出去皮(番茄、水果)

Enrober (ON rob ay) used in pastry, to completely cover with setting liquid such as chocolate包裹(如巧克力)

Entremets (ON truh may) originally a course served between the roast and the dessert. Modern usage is limited to patisserie and refer to a whole cake整個蛋糕

Éplucher (AY ploo shay) to remove the skin of vegetables 去皮(蔬菜)

Éponger (AY pon jay) to remove excess liquid or fat by absorbing with a kitchen or paper towel用紙巾吸油

Escaloper (es KAH loh pay) to slice meat or fish on the bias切成薄片

Éssence (ESS onss) 1. A concentrated extract used as a flavoring 2. A stock with concentrated flavor. Can also be a stock made from a single ingredient such as mushroom or tomato精華

Étuver (AY too vay)to slowly cook over low heat in a covered pot or pan with some fat

Évider (AY vee day) to gut; to hollow out the center of an ingredient (poultry, fruit, vegetables)挖一個通道


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