

Habiller (ah bee yay) to prepare an item for cooking (fish, meat usually by cleaning and trimming)對肉進行加工(如開膛、切塊去骨)

Hacher (Ah shay) to chop evenly with a knife切碎

Imbiber (AM bee bay)to wet or soak an element with stock or syrup浸泡進高湯或糖水中

Inciser (AN see zay) to score a food more or less deeply before cooking in order to encourage even cooking (whole fish) or create a decorative pattern切開

Incorporer (AN kor poh ray) to fold an ingredient into a batter

Infuser (AN foo zay) to place an element into simmering liquid and allow it to sit in order for the element to flavor the liquid (e.g. tea)泡、浸

Jardiniére (JAR deen yair) a mixture of carrots and turnips cut into sticks and green beans and green peas. Cooked separately and then served as an accompaniment以胡蘿蔔、碗豆為主的蔬菜

Julieene (JOOL yen) cut into very fine strips. 3-5cm long, 1-2mm thick.長條(3-5cm, 1-2mm寬高)

Jus (joo) 1. Liquid made from pressing a fruit or vegetable 2. De cuisson: mixture of fat and juices released from meats during cooking肉汁

Kirsch (keersh) a spirit made by distilling fermented cherry juice櫻桃酒

Lard (larr) solid fat from pork. Lard gras contains only fat; lard maigre (bacon) contains some meat豬油

Larder (LAR day) to insert strips of lard into tough or inexpensive meats using a larding needle in order to prevent the meat from drying out during the cooking在瘦肉裡塞豬油

Lardons (LAR don) a specific way of cutting slab bacon into small pieces; used to garnish both meat and fish切成肉丁

Levain (LUH van) a dough starter made from live yeast and flour used to make breads酵母

Lever (LUH vay) to leave a dough to rise or proof (brioche, bread, croissants)

Lever les filets (luh Vay lay fee lay) to remove the fillet of a fish using a knife切魚菲力

Levure (luh VOOR) a live bacteria. When mixed with flour and watm water it ferments and produces a carbonic gas (the bubbles of gas which in trying to escape make a bread rise)發粉

Levure chimique (luh VOO shee meek) baking powder; odorless and flavorless rising agent made from bicarbonate of soda and cream of tartar發酵粉

Liaison (lee ay zon) thickener; element or mixture used to thicken a liquid or sauce稠化劑

Lier (LEE ay) to change the consistency of a liquid by adding a liaison, such as a roux, starch, egg, flour, or beurre manie改變稠度


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