
Tailler (tah YAY) to cut in a precise fashion精確的切

Tamis (tah MEE) drum sieve. Large cylinder with a wire mesh covering one side. 滾筒篩Passer au tamis: press a puree solid such as chicken or veal by through a tamis resulting in a finer texture while removing any remaining nerves or sinew

Tamiser (TAH mee zay) to sift a dry ingredient using a wire strainer or sifter in order to remove lumps or foreign matter過篩

Tamponner (TOM poh nay) to dot the surface of a cream or sauce with butter to prevent the formation of a skin on the surfacecream或醬汁上點奶油

Timbale (TAM bahl) 1. Mold in the shape of a large thimble.定模 2. Recipient made of dough, baked and filled with different elements. Served as a hot appetizer

Tourer (TOO ray) refer to the process of rolling and folding butter into a dough把奶油捲進麵糰中

Tourner (TOOR nay) 1. To give certain vegetables a regular barrel shape using a knife 用刀把蔬菜切成桶狀2. To mix ingredients together by stirring in a circular motion

Travailler (trah VAH yay) to knead, mix, soften

Tremper (TRAHM pay) 1. To leave an item to soak in liquid, such as dried beans 2. To quickly dip an item in a coating such as chocolate, to cover it.把東西快速浸泡在巧克力中 3. To saturate an item with liquid浸泡

Truffer (TRUE fay) to add chopped truffles to a dish, stuffing, or foie gras. To slide a thin slice of truffle under the skin of poultry加入松露

Turban (TOOR bon) usually used with fish, a way of rolling a small fillet with or without a filling, the final result resembling a turban捲魚片

Vanner (VAH nay) to stir a hot liquid over an ice bath in order to stop the cooking process and to cool it down把東西放入冰塊中降溫(使之停止烹煮)

Vapeur (vah PURR) the vapor that rises from boiling. When confined the heat is hot enough to cook foods. A method of cooking without using fat蒸氣

Velouté (vuh LOO tay) a thickened soup; made from a stock and a roux to which egg yolk and cream is added母醬之一

Zester (ZESS tay) to remove the color part or zest of citrus fruit (e.g. oranges, lemons) by grating or peeling with a small knife去果皮(僅有顏色的部分)


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