
Galantine (GALL on teen) 1. The old French term for jelly. 2. A soft knife holder that can be rolled up. 吉利丁

Ganache (gah NASH) a mixture made from chopped chocolate and boiling cream巧克力奶糊

Garniture (GAR nee toor) an accompaniment to a dish裝飾用配菜

Gastrique (GAS treek) a caramel deglazed with vinegar; used as a base for sweet and sour sauces (duck a l’orange)

Gelée (je LAY) 1. Gelatin, aspic; meat or fish stock that has been clarified and then set with gelatin. Used in various preparations “en gelee” or to give shine to foods as well as protect them from drying out. 2. Fruit juice plus gelatin used in pastry to add sheen to cakes and desserts. 3. Preserve made by boiling together fruit juice (from fruit rich in pectin such as quinces, red currants, apples, blueberries, blackberries, or black currants) and sugar then set in jars like jams肉凍

Génoise (JEHN waz) yellow sponge cake; made from sugar, flour, and eggs named after the town of Genoa杏仁果醬小蛋糕

Glaçage (GLAH saj) mixture of ingredients with a syrupy consistence, sweet or savory, used to coat pastries, candies, and certain savory foods

Glace (glass) 1. Ice cream; cream anglaise, which is turned and frozen. 2. Glaze; stock reduced until thick and syrupy冰淇淋

Glacer (GLASS ay) to cover a finished product with a coating such as a reduction or sugar, to give a smooth, shiny final appearance, and add extra flavor覆以糖面/肉凍

Glace royale (glass RWO yahl) mixture of icing sugar, egg white, and lemon juice used to decorate pastries. Dries hard混合糖、蛋白、檸檬汁裝飾甜點

Glace à l’eau (GLASS ah loh) mixture of sugar or powdered sugar and water, used to glaze pastries混和糖跟水後用於使甜點外表變亮面

Glucose (GLOO coze) thick, clear syrup made from vegetable starch. Half as sweet as sugar, it is mostly used to stop sugar-based preparations from crystallizing葡萄糖

Graisser (GRAY say) to coat or cover with fat before baking or roasting in the oven塗油

Giller (GREE yay) to cook on a grill燒烤(在烤架上)


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