
Lesson 1 Contamination

-Contamination: physical, chemical, or biological matters

-Biological contamination: bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi


Lesson 2 Bacteria

-Bacteria are single-celled microscopic organisms, have cell wall, split into two. They keeps divide at regular intervals under vegetative (營養) state

-Bacteria spoil food and cause illness = pathogens(病原)

-Spore (孢子) helps bacteria survive high/low temperature. It doesn’t multiply.

Clostridium perfringens (產氣夾膜梭菌soil, animal and human waste, dust, insects and raw meat)

Clostridium botulinum (肉毒桿菌soil and root vegetables)

Bacillus cereus (芽孢桿菌蠟樣芽胞桿菌 starchy food澱粉類) all produce spores.

-FAT TOM(Bacteria)


                Acidity: scale 1(acidity) to 14(alkaline). Bacteria prefer a pH 4.6 and 7

                Time: generation time = 10~20min; in TDZ more than 4 hrs

                Temperature: multiply between TDZ 41~135F; poisoning bacteria 70~125F specially 41F

                Oxygen: aerobes (w/ oxygen); anaerobes (w/o oxygen); facultative anaerobes (both)

                Moisture: water=1, multiply best in food w/ water activity (Aw) of 0.95~0.99

-Phases of bacteria growth

                Logarithmic phase: multiply rapidly

                Lag Phase: not multiply at all (ex: removal from a refrigerator)

                Stationary phase: dead=grow

                Decline phase: decreases

-Cooling: 2 hrs to 70F, 4hrs to 41F

-Food poisoning:

                Intoxication: when bacteria produce and release exotoxins into food

                Infection: when bacteria release endotoxins in the intestine of the affected person


Lesson 3 Virus

-Virus are made up of genetic material in the form of DNA or RNA that is sealed in a protein coat

-Virus need a host

-Hepatitis A



Lesson 4 Parasites and Fungi

-Parasites (寄生) are plants or animals that live on or in another plant or animal

-Fungi (molds and yeast) can be found in air, plants, soil and water

-Mold produces spores, multi-cellular, causes allergy, respiratory (呼吸道) problems, produce mycotoxins (aflatoxins黃曲霉毒素)

-Mold grows well especially in food w/ high acidity and low water activity.

-Yeast requires oxygen to grow


Lesson 5 Other Biological Contaminatnts

-Poisonous plants: deadly nightshade, death cap mushrooms, daffodil bulbs, and rhubarb leaves

-Ciguatera toxin: gonads (生殖線), liver, and intestines() of fish

-Scombrotoxic fish poisoning: caused by toxins that accumulate in the body of scombrid(鲭科) fish during storage such as tuna, mackerel, sardines, pilchards, herring, anchovies, and salmon

-Shellfish toxins (certification tags must be kept for at least 90 days)


Lesson 6 Chemical Contamination

-Chemicals: pesticides (殺蟲劑) cleaning agents, refrigerants(冷卻劑)

-Use chemicals: follow all EPA-registered label

-Never store food in galvanized (鍍過鋅的) metal

-Beverage system are professionally installed and maintained and fitted with a backflow prevention device


Lesson 7 Physical Contamination

Physical contamination: foreign object mixed w/ food: dirt, hair, jewelry, paper, insects, etc


Lesson 8 Food Allergens as Contaminants

-Anaphylactic reaction過敏反應

-8 allergies source: milk, fish, egg, shellfish, wheat, soy, peanuts, tree nuts




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